Liberation Pedagogy

For over ten years, Amal has practiced liberation pedagogy in her work as a dance and community educator. She has developed and implemented culturally relevant and empowering curriculum for students of all ages and has facilitated training for other educators. She has performed in major cities across the U.S. and has received commissions, grants, and residencies.

Transformative Storytelling

In addition to performance, Amal has presented her research on transformative storytelling through art as a tool for community building at several conferences and events at the national and international levels. Amal holds a few degrees and more certifications, and she has taught and performed in cities across the U.S., abroad, and virtual events.

Community Support

Amal has organized with her communities to provide various services such as cultural education. She works to empower people toward a greater connection with the self, others, and the environment. Amal’s grounding in dance and movement gives her a deep and subtle knowledge of the body. She draws on this well of experience as she guides clients toward self-awareness and supports them in the discovery and embodiment of their own unique path.  She is a parent, she is committed to people’s liberation movements, and she is based in Miami, FL.

Somatic Coach

Amal Rogers is the Somatic Coach at KAAFI COUNSELING. At the practice, she serves as an embodiment coach for special events. In addition to her work with the practice, Amal is a somatic practitioner, educator, birth worker, and performance artist.

Keep in Touch!

Serving Palm Beach, Broward, Miami Dade, St. Lucie and Martin counties and surrounding areas.
Serving all of Florida through secure video/telehealth sessions.

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