
“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Chinese Proverb

In a world where the traditional village support system has scattered, many mothers find themselves navigating pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum alone. If you’re longing for connection, understanding, and support during this transformative time, you’ve come to the right place.

My name is Hermione, and I’m here to walk alongside you as you work toward growing your village. Whether you’re dreaming of starting a family, expecting your first child, or adjusting to life postpartum, I provide a nurturing space where you can explore your feelings, fears, and hopes.

Together, we’ll work through any anxieties, uncertainties, or emotional hurdles you may be facing, helping you cultivate resilience, confidence, and a deep sense of self-awareness as you embrace motherhood.

Through tailored therapy sessions, supportive guidance, and evidence-based techniques, I aim to empower you to tap into your inner strength, enabling you to navigate this profound journey with grace. Motherhood is a beautiful and challenging journey to be celebrated. You don’t have to navigate this path alone.

Areas of Speciality

  • Perinatal Mental Health,
  • First Generation Breaking Cycles,
  • Solution Focused 

Services Offered

  • Individual
  • Group


 Licensed Clinical Social Work (LCSW)

Educational Background

Columbia University- MSW

Population Served

  • Older Adults (66-99)
  • Adults (19-65)

Advanced Trainings

  • CBT
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Solution Focused
  • Trauma-Focused

Hobbies/Talents/Gifts/Interesting Facts

  • I enjoy traveling, hiking, going on walks, and trying new restaurants. 

Keep in Touch!

Serving Palm Beach, Broward, Miami Dade, St. Lucie and Martin counties and surrounding areas.

Serving all of Florida through secure video/telehealth sessions.

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